« Pikkujoulut tulevat | Ullablog | Alustavia Ulla-päiviä 2008: 01/08 aineisto 14.2. mennessä »

Hyvää joulun odotusta


Ulla toivottaa kaikille hyvää joulun odotusta. Adventtikalenterin ensimmäinen luukku on auennut!


Hello.. Your shaws are spectacular... Do you have a version in English for the directions??? What is that beautiful yarn that you have used for them??? They are so Beautiful...
great site. sorry there is no english version.
Hi Ariel! The language we speak is Finnish. I'm so sorry that I can't translate the pattern to you, but I hope the knowledge of what language we speak will help you.
Kiitos Joulukalenterista!Ulla se vaan paranee kuin hyvä viini!
Hi, I'm hoping you speak English or can translate this. A friend loves your mittens: http://www.ullaneule.net/adventti07/ohjeet_kuusimetsa.html And I was hoping that you could translate the pattern to English or at least let me know what language you speak and I'll do it. Your knitting beautiful!!! Ariel

Takaisin Ullaan